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Viewing the Prove History Charts for a Meter

1. Navigate to the station

See the ‘Viewing a Station’ section for more details.

2. Click the ‘Proves’ tab in the Navigation Bar

The proves list will be displayed.

3. Click the ‘All Proves’ button to view the complete list of all proves across all meters

Click on a prove in the list to view the prove certificate.

4. Click the ‘By Meter’ button to view the list of meters which have been proved

The latest prove for each meter will be displayed in the list.

5. Click on a row in the list to select a meter

The historical proves for that meter will be displayed in the list.

6. Click on a prove in the list

The prove certificate will be displayed.

7. Click the ‘Charts’ tab

The Flow Rate Linearisation chart for the selected meter / product / base curve will be displayed.

By default the product from the latest prove will be selected. To see the prove history for other products select the product in the ‘Product’ popup menu.

By default the latest base curve will be selected. To see historical base curves select the older base curve in the ‘base curve’ popup menu. If the meter has just been replaced or recalibrated then the current base curve may not contain any proves yet.

Use the date search to select the date range that you want to see. By default the charts will show the proves over the latest 30 days.

Select the type of chart from the ‘Prove Chart Type’ popup menu.

The following charts are available from the Prove Chart Type popup menu: