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Profile™ is a trademark of Ambrit Ltd

N.B. This feature is only available on the Enterprise server or in standalone Profile.

N.B. This feature will only be available if an Approve™ licence has been purchased and is activated on the Station Settings screen.

When Approve™ is activated in Profile™, the proves list can be displayed for all meters or by specific meter:

1. Navigate to the station

See the ‘Viewing a Station’ section for more details.

2. Click the ‘Proves’ tab in the Navigation Bar 1

The proves list will be displayed.

3. Click the ‘All Proves’ tab to view the complete list of all proves across all meters 2

Click on a prove in the list to view the prove certificate 3.

4. Click the ‘By Meter’ tab to view the list of meters which have been proved 4

The latest prove for each meter will be displayed in the list:

5. Click on a row in the list to select a meter 5

The historical proves for that meter will be displayed in the list:

Click on a prove in the list to view the prove certificate 6.