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RTU Setup – Channels

The Channels section allows the channel, configuration, template and data collection fields to be configured for each of the data sources on the station.

The data sources must be set up on the first visit to the Channels section:

1. Set up the data sources as required 1

The available data sources will reflect what was configured during the station setup. Data sources can be edited later on using the ‘Add Data Source’ button on the Channels screen.

N.B. Data sources are set up automatically for Omni 6000 and Omni 7000 RTUs.

2. Click the ‘Save’ button 2

The Channels screen will be displayed:

Default fields are set up automatically for Omni 6000, Omni 7000, ABB Spirit Flow-X, Dynamic Micro MP3, Dynamic Micro MVL, Emerson ROC 800L and Krohne Altosonic RTUs but channel fields can then be edited manually or by using an existing template.

Channels for other RTUs must be set up manually or by using an existing template.

3. Select a channel, configuration and template for each data source

The configuration and template can be specified once for all data sources using the menus at the top of the screen 3 or specified on a source-by-source basis using the menus in the ‘Configuration Type’ 4 and ‘Template’ 5 columns.

See the RTU Templates section for more information about adding and updating templates.

4. Specify collection methods as applicable

If meter runs have been added to the station setup, use the menu to select a batch collection method. 6

If a prover was added to the station setup, use the menu to select a prove collection method. 7

If the RTU is a ABB Spirit Flow-X, specify the report name for daily, batch and prove reports.

5. Click the ‘Next’ button to move to the first data source 8

The data collection sections for that data source are displayed in a series of panels:

N.B. Data collection sections which have a collection frequency that is higher than the poll rate specified on the Data Collection screen will not be displayed.

For example, if the poll rate is set to to “1 Hour” then the Secondly Data and Minutely Data sections will not be accessible.

6. Select a data collection section by clicking it in the sidebar or clicking the ‘Edit’ button in the panel 9

The data fields screen will be displayed.

Each RTU has a list of predefined canonical fields. If the canonical field matches the field in the configuration it will be populated automatically:

7. Add, edit or delete fields

To add or edit a field, drag and drop a new field from the right hand column. 10

The search box can be used to filter the list of fields in the column. 11

To clear a field, click the cross on the right hand side of the field. 12

To clear all fields, click the ‘Clear All Fields’ button. 13

To revert to the default fields, click the ‘Revert to Defaults’ button. 14

Calculation Methods

Use the menus to select the calculation method for each field. 15

The calculation method determines which value will be used in Profile:

Request The current live value from the RTU
Mean The mean average of all the values in the previous collection period
e.g. For Hourly Data, Mean will calculate the mean average of the values from all the minutes collected in the previous hour
First The first value collected within the previous collection period
e.g. for Hourly Data, First will use the first value collected in the previous hour
Last The last value collected within the previous collection period
e.g. for Hourly Data, Last will use the last value collected in the previous hour
Maximum The highest value collected within the previous collection period
e.g. for Hourly Data, Maximum will use the highest value collected in the previous hour
Minimum The lowest value collected within the previous collection period
e.g. for Hourly Data, Minimum will use the lowest value collected in the previous hour

8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for all of the applicable data collection sections in the sidebar

Data won’t be collected until all the mandatory information for a collection section has been completed.

Icons denote the status of each data collection section as follows:

icon-rtu-setup-complete Mandatory information complete
icon-rtu-setup-incomplete Mandatory information incomplete
Section can’t be accessed because the specified poll rate is greater than the time interval of the section
icon-rtu-setup-disabled Section disabled because no fields have been specified

9. Click the ‘Save & Close’ button to save the changes and return to the RTU list