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Viewing Historical Data

Historical data can be viewed as a chart or in tabular form.

The Meter Run, Period, Interval, Date(s) and Time(s) selected in the sidebar will persist as you toggle between the chart and tabular data. 1

The options available on the Period and Interval menus will depend on the data sections and poll rate which have been configured in RTU Setup.

1. Navigate to the station

See the ‘Viewing a Station’ section for more details.

The ‘Historical Data’ tab will be selected as default and the chart will be displayed:

2. Filter the data as required 1

3. Click the ‘Show Latest Data’ button to show the most recently collected data for the selected period 2

4. To make a custom selection, drag the left and right handles as required 3

5. Click the ‘Apply Selection’ button to apply the custom selection 4

The custom data is displayed and End Date and End Time are added to the filters:

Click the ‘Previous Selection’ to return to the previous data selection. 5

6. Click the ‘History’ tab to switch to tabular data 6

7. Click the ‘Chart’ tab to return to the chart 7