N.B. Logbook will only be available if a Record™ licence has been purchased and is activated on the Station Settings screen.
If Record™ is enabled for the station, Profile will automatically record selected events in the logbook. Logbook entries can also be added manually.
1. Click the ‘Logbook’ tab in the Navigation Bar 1
The Logbook list will be displayed:
2. Filter the list of logbook entries as required 2
3. Double-click a logbook entry in the list to view the detail 3
Profile automatically records the following events:
- Attachment added
- Attachment removed
- Meter base curve created
- Product base curve updated
- Product recalibrated
- Calibration added
- Meter created
- Meter updated
- Meter deleted
- Meter run proved
- Meter factor implemented
- Equipment created
- Equipment updated
- Equipment deleted
- Product created
- Product updated
- Product deleted
- RTU created
- RTU updated
- RTU deleted
- RTU time synced
- RTU time sync failed
- Station created
- Station updated
- Tag created
- Tag updated
- Tag deleted
- Tag installed
- Tag uninstalled